Say goodbye to occasional painful waxing, time consuming plucking, and routinary shaving that causes dark underarms, ingrown hair, and strawberry skin.

Completely Pain Free
Our IPL Device triggers gentle pulses of light that penetrate skin and hair. The melanin in the hair absorbs the light and causes the existing hair to fall out permanently.
Gentle. Smooth. Long-lasting

How does it work?
Silky smooth skin in just 3 months
✪ After 4 weeks →85% Less hair
Hair follicles atrophy, hair growth slows down.
✪ 8 Weeks → 91% Less hair
Hair growth is inhibited & hair is significantly reduced.
✪ 12 WEEKS - OVER 95% LESS HAIR You achieved your goal of Silky Smooth Skin!
Stops hair growth in just 8 sessions
Whole body treatment in just 40 minutes
600,000 flashes (lasts over 10 years)
Painless, safe and gentle

The unique features of the Amor Silk Laser Hair Removal Device
- Removes hair regrowth in just a few sessions.
- Works on any part of the body (including face and brazilian).
- Completely painless.
- The application only takes a few minutes.
- Lasts 10+ years.
- One-time purchase, no refills or top-ups required.